Meet the Developer: Cristiano Silva Jr. - Flexiana

Cristiano Silva

Posted on 16th September 2022

Meet the Developer: Cristiano Silva Jr.

news-paper Inside Flexiana | Interviews | News |

In this week’s Meet the Developer we are meeting with Cristiano Silva Jr., a full-stack developer from Brasília, Brazil.

How long have you been working at Flexiana?

I have been working for exactly 1 year now at Flexiana.

What do you like the most about your job?

The best part of working at Flexiana is definitely being part of the Clojure community. Before working with it here, I have lurked in it for quite some time and now that I have the opportunity to call it my “home”, I can safely say that it’s really worth it.

What does your day normally look like?

My day will depend on where I am living, especially the time zone difference between me and the clients I am working with. For example: earlier this year I worked from Portugal while joining a team from the USA. I would use my mornings as the distraction-free part of the shift while the afternoon would be dedicated to talking to my peers and everything else. Having this time to reach flow state was definitely a huge gain for me.

What was your thought the first time you heard about Flexiana?

The first time I heard about Flexiana was when they reached out to me to try the selection process.

What have you learned from life that you apply to your job? 

One important lesson I try to pass around is that a huge part of communication is about managing expectations. When you take responsibility for understanding what other people need and want, while putting in the effort to set realistic expectations that you can achieve, then the chances of delivering actual, positive results are high. So far, this has been working really well with both my personal and professional lives.

What current project are you involved in?

I am currently on a quick pause due to personal reasons, but I should be back to Crossbeam soon. This project is all about connecting companies and allowing them to create better partnerships with each other. 

What are your learnings from the project?

So far, most of my learning has been on the technical side. It’s been only a year that I have been working with Clojure professionally and everyday I get amazed at how deep this ecosystem goes.

What are your goals for the upcoming three months in the project?

When I get back to it, I hope I can keep learning more about Clojure and its tools; get better at the technologies and platforms related to Crossbeam; so I can finally start making improvement suggestions and eventually implementing them for the client.

What have you learned in Flexiana that you did not know before?

I am not going to select anything in particular but I would like to point out the internal talks about management and company organization. It takes a lot of work and effort to make a company work well and the bits of knowledge we get here and there on that, especially from other Flexiana peers, are always illuminating.

What excites you the most about working at Flexiana?

Definitely the flexibility from working from anywhere in the world, knowing there is a good chance you might meet someone there.

What are your favorite memories from Flexiana?

No doubts on this one: my favorite memory from Flexiana was meeting part of the team in ClojureD earlier this year. I had a really good time with them in Berlin and I hope I can meet more people in the future, hopefully sooner than later.

How would you describe working at Flexiana in a word?

Flexibility (pun intended, and it will never get old :P)

Would you recommend people working at Flexiana?

For sure! The company is filled to the brim with talented people, and the opportunities that working from anywhere in the remote and still have some support from the company are better qualities than one might think.

Any last words?

I strongly believe that the best part of life is collecting memories and making friends. Working at Flexiana has been a huge deal for me since it has been helping me a lot with these personal goals I have. I am really grateful for being part of this team, that’s all I have to say now!