ChatGPT; Should I Hire You? - Flexiana

Elaheh Nazari

Posted on 14th February 2023

ChatGPT; Should I Hire You?

news-paper News | Software Development |

Since ChatGPT and OpenAI are big trends now, I was wondering how it could have been if it was a real person going to a job interview. Let me show you what happened:

I asked if ChatGPT was about to hire a software developer what question would it ask, it gave me general questions and then I asked this AI language model to answer the same questions:

Can you walk us through your experience with [specific programming language or technology]?

Sure, I have experience with several programming languages including Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Can you explain your approach to solving a difficult technical problem?

When faced with a difficult technical problem, I like to break it down into smaller parts and tackle each one separately. I also like to brainstorm potential solutions with my team and do research to see if anyone has faced a similar issue before.

Can you describe a project you have worked on and your role in it?

One project I worked on was a web-based application for a retail company. I was responsible for developing the backend system using Java and Spring framework.

Can you discuss your experience with Agile methodologies and software development life cycle?

Yes, I have experience with Agile methodologies and the software development life cycle. I believe in iterative development and regular communication with the team to ensure that the product is on track.

Can you explain how you handle version control and code collaboration?

I am well-versed in version control systems such as Git and I have worked on projects with multiple team members, so I understand the importance of effective code collaboration and review processes.

Can you tell us about a time when you had to debug a difficult issue? How did you go about solving it?

I recall a time when I had to debug an issue with a user authentication system. I went through the code step by step, printed out variables, and used logs to track the flow of data. Eventually, I found the root cause of the issue and fixed it.

Can you give an example of how you have optimized a slow or resource-intensive section of code?

One example of optimizing slow code is when I was working on a data processing application. The initial implementation was taking too long to process the data, so I investigated and found that the issue was with the algorithm. I then rewrote the algorithm to use a more efficient approach and it significantly reduced the processing time.

Can you discuss your experience with testing and QA processes?

I consider testing and QA processes to be an essential part of software development. I have experience with both manual and automated testing and I believe in thoroughly testing the software to catch and fix any issues before releasing it.

Can you walk us through a project that required you to learn a new technology or programming language? How did you approach it?

I have had to learn several new technologies throughout my career as a software developer. One example is when I was working on a project that required me to use a new JavaScript framework. I started by reading the documentation and doing some online tutorials. I then practiced building small projects to get more comfortable with the framework before using it in the main project.

Can you tell us about a time when you had to make a trade-off between delivering a feature on time and writing high-quality, maintainable code? How did you handle it?

I believe in delivering high-quality, maintainable code while also meeting deadlines. When faced with a trade-off between these two, I like to have open and honest communication with my team and stakeholders to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs.

ChatGPT and The Task

Later I just went a bit further and got two technical tasks to see what ChatGPT would do:

Here is a simple programming challenge. Could you have a go at solving it? Write a function to computer the Nth Fibonacci number.

Sure! Here is a function in Python that computes the Nth Fibonacci number:

def fib(n):

    if n <= 0:

        return 0

    elif n == 1:

        return 1


        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

This function uses a recursive approach to compute the Nth Fibonacci number. The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first two numbers are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. The function uses this definition to calculate the Nth Fibonacci number by recursively computing the previous two numbers until it reaches the base case (n equal to 0 or 1).

Please Write a function that takes the current position of a knight on a chessboard, and returns a preliminary list of possible moves the knight could make. (That is, the current positions of other pieces are not provided, so you can’t check against capturing pieces on the knight’s own side nor making their king vulnerable to capture.)

Here’s a function in Python that takes the current position of a knight on a chessboard and returns a preliminary list of possible moves the knight could make:

def knight_moves(position):

    x, y = position

    moves = [(x + i, y + j) for i, j in [(2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1), (1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2)]]

    moves = [move for move in moves if all(0 <= coord < 8 for coord in move)]

    return moves

This function takes the position of the knight as a tuple of two integers (the x and y coordinates on the chessboard). It then generates a list of all possible moves the knight could make, given the rules of knight movement in chess. The moves list is generated using a list comprehension that adds the knight’s possible moves (2 units in one direction and 1 unit in another direction) to the current position.

Next, the function filters the moves list to only include positions that are within the bounds of the chessboard (i.e., both the x and y coordinates are between 0 and 7). Finally, the function returns the list of possible moves.

If you were the interviewer, would you hire ChatGPT as a software developer? You can contact us for giving a solution according to your needs instead.