
Dimos Michailidis

Posted on 24th November 2023

Deterministic Randomness in Elixir

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Randomness in programming can be challenging, especially when we need consistent, repeatable results. This article explores how to manage this using Elixir, a functional programming language known for its clarity and ease of use. We’ll start by reviewing how to create random values. Then, we’ll move on to techniques for ensuring these values remain consistent each time we run a program. This approach is particularly useful in testing scenarios or anywhere reproducibility is key.

First, let’s set up our working environment:

mkdir simulixir
cd simulixir

With our workspace simulixir set up (a name only a coder could like) we’re set to begin. Before we explore the methods of deterministic randomness, let’s cover the basics. We’ll start with the straightforward approach of producing random values in Elixir.

All the code you’ll see is in this repo, with different commits for each section.

The Impure Way

Creating random numbers in an impure way is quite straightforward. Start by creating a file named impure.exs, which will be our playground for this approach. We’ll write a small script that produces a random number and prints it out. The code is as simple as it can be:

x = :rand.uniform()
IO.puts("x: #{x}")

When we run elixir impure.exs, the script is executed and the :rand.uniform() function creates a random number between 0 and 1. Naturally, executing the script multiple times, different values are produced. But what if we want consistent results? Let’s see how to achieve that.

Begin by adding these lines at the start of the file:

seed = 1000
:rand.seed(:exs1024, seed)

The seed makes the execution of the script print the same number across multiple runs. It serves as the initial trigger in random number creation, acting as a fixed starting point that determines the sequence of values. When the same seed is used, the produced values remain identical in each execution. This is achieved by the :rand.seed(:exs1024, seed) statement in our script. Here, :exs1024 specifies the algorithm that creates the random numbers, which is suitable for statistical simulations.

However, using the seed this way may have unpredictable implications. Let’s ask for another random number before setting x:

seed = 1000
:rand.seed(:exs1024, seed)
_ = :rand.uniform() # <- new line
x = :rand.uniform()
IO.puts("x: #{x}")

The new line changes the sequence of the creation. So, the line x = :rand.uniform() doesn’t give us the first number in the sequence anymore. It gives us the second one. Because of this new line, the number we see for x is now different from before, even though we’re using the same seed.

Shifting to Generators

Generators offer a more refined and controllable approach to producing random values. This is crucial in scenarios where we need reproducible randomness.

To demonstrate this concept, let’s create a new file named generators.exs. This script will be our exploration ground for working with generators. Here’s the initial setup:

  {:minigen, "~> 0.1", manager: :rebar3}
alias :minigen, as: MG
seed = 1000

x_gen = MG.float()
x = x_gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed)
IO.puts("x: #{x}")

In this script, we’re using minigen. A library in the Erlang ecosystem that I might know a thing or two about. It’s appropriate for generating pure random data for realistic simulations. The MG.float() creates a generator for floating-point numbers. By using MG.run_with_seed(seed), we ensure that the generated value is reproducible and consistent across runs, as long as the seed remains the same. Otherwise, we would use MG.run(), which is unpredictable.

Now, let’s consider a scenario where we set a different random number before x. Will the behavior of our generator change?

  {:minigen, "~> 0.1", manager: :rebar3}
alias :minigen, as: MG
seed = 1000

_gen = MG.float()                  # <- new line
_ = _gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed) # <- new line

x_gen = MG.float()
x = x_gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed)
IO.puts("x: #{x}")

Here, we added two new lines before generating x. These lines also generate a random float, but do not affect the value of x. This demonstrates the isolation and consistency of this method. Each generator’s behavior stays the same, unaffected by irrelevant generators.

Next, we’ll expand our exploration by introducing more complex generator constructs. We’ll see how to transform and combine generators to create versatile and controlled random values. This approach not only enhances our ability to control randomness but also aligns with the functional programming paradigm, emphasizing immutability and purity.

Transform and Combine Generators

Generators can be manipulated to create complex random data structures. This is particularly useful when you need to simulate scenarios that require more than simple random numbers. Let’s explore how to do this.

In our generators.exs script, we’ll first demonstrate generator transformation. This involves modifying the output of a generator. For example, by applying MG.map, we can alter a float generator to produce boolean values instead.

b_gen = MG.map(x_gen, fn r -> r < 0.5 end)
b = b_gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed)
IO.puts("b: #{b}")

Here, b_gen transforms each float from x_gen into a boolean.

Moving on, our next step in generators.exs involves combining several generators. This process enables the creation of composite structures, such as tuples, from basic generators. We’ll exemplify this by employing MG.map3 to merge float, boolean, and integer generators, crafting a generator that outputs tuples.

i_gen = MG.integer(15)
t_gen = MG.map3(x_gen, b_gen, i_gen, fn r1, r2, r3 -> {r1, r2, r3} end)
t = t_gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed)
IO.puts("t: #{inspect(t)}")

Here, t_gen combines x_gen, b_gen, and i_gen to create a tuple of a float, a boolean, and an integer.

Finally, let’s create a list generator that depends on the output of another generator.

In the code snippet below, l_gen constructs a boolean list whose length is dictated by the MG.integer(8) generator:

l_gen = MG.then(MG.integer(8), fn r -> MG.list(MG.boolean(), r) end)
l = l_gen |> MG.run_with_seed(seed)
IO.puts("l: #{inspect(l)}")

If we add the above code blocks to the file and run the script with elixir generators.exs, the following values will be printed:

x: 0.27586903946041397
b: true
t: {0.27586903946041397, true, 10}
l: [false, true]

These methods highlight the adaptability of generators:

  • Using transformation methods like map and map3, we create varied structures.
  • The then function introduces an additional level of randomness. This new randomness might depend on previous results.

Together, these techniques allow the generation of random data for any kind of scenario.

Purely Functional Simulations

We will create and run simulations of algorithms for three different situations. Each algorithm’s code will be in its own file, and they all should start with these lines:

  {:minigen, "~> 0.1", manager: :rebar3}
alias :minigen, as: MG
seed = 1000

simulate = fn gen ->
  |> Stream.iterate(fn g ->
    MG.then(g, fn _ -> gen end)
  |> Enum.reduce(
       {0, 0},
       fn g, {i_acc, n_acc} ->
         i =
           case MG.run_with_seed(g, seed) do
             true -> i_acc + 1
             false -> i_acc

         n = n_acc + 1
         IO.puts("estimation: #{i / n} --- sample_size: #{n}")
         {i, n}

The simulate function is designed to conduct a series of experiments, taking a boolean generator as its only parameter. This generator is used to simulate new experiments consecutively. The use of a seed ensures that these simulations are consistent and can be replicated exactly in subsequent runs. The function keeps track of the number of times the generator returns true and the total number of experiments conducted. This allows for observing how the ratio of true results to the total number of experiments evolves as more simulations are performed.

Coin Toss

In this section, we will simulate a classic probabilistic scenario: a coin toss. We’ll use a boolean generator, which produces a true or false value each time, mimicking the flip of a coin.

Create a file named coin_toss.exs. Put the initial setup code from the previous section at the start of this file. Then, add these lines at the end:

b_gen = MG.boolean()

When we run this script with elixir coin_toss.exs, it will simulate a series of coin tosses. Due to the usage of generators, the results are consistent. As such, each time we execute the script, we will get the exact same sequence of outcomes, demonstrating the deterministic nature of the simulation. The output will be exactly as follows:

estimation: 1.0 --- sample_size: 1
estimation: 1.0 --- sample_size: 2
estimation: 0.6666666666666666 --- sample_size: 3
estimation: 0.75 --- sample_size: 4
estimation: 0.8 --- sample_size: 5
estimation: 0.5000635028152914 --- sample_size: 23621
estimation: 0.5000423334180002 --- sample_size: 23622
estimation: 0.5000211658129788 --- sample_size: 23623

As expected, when the size of the sample gets larger, the estimation gets closer to 0.5.

Pi Estimation

We’ll now address a geometrical challenge: estimating the value of Pi using a Monte Carlo simulation. This method generates random points within a unit square and determines how many fall inside a quadrant (a quarter circle) inscribed within the square. The ratio of the points inside the quadrant to the total number of points is an approximation of Pi/4.

Create the pi_estimation.exs file and include the setup code from the previous sections. Then, define and use the specific boolean generator for this simulation:

x_gen = MG.float()
y_gen = MG.float()
point_gen = MG.map2(x_gen, y_gen, fn x, y -> [x, y] end)
b_gen = MG.map(point_gen, fn [x, y] -> x * x + y * y < 1 end)


Run the simulation with elixir pi_estimation.exs. As the simulation progresses and the sample size grows, the estimation becomes more precise:

estimation: 1.0 --- sample_size: 1
estimation: 1.0 --- sample_size: 2
estimation: 1.0 --- sample_size: 3
estimation: 0.75 --- sample_size: 4
estimation: 0.8 --- sample_size: 5
estimation: 0.7853973376361436 --- sample_size: 7437

Multiplying 0.7853973376361436 by 4 gives 3.1415893505445744, which is not a bad estimation of Pi.

The Monty Hall Game

In this final simulation, we explore the Monty Hall problem. This classic puzzle involves choosing one of three doors: behind one of them there is a car (the prize), and goats behind the others. After the player’s initial choice, Monty, the host, reveals a goat behind one of the remaining doors. The player then decides whether to stick with their initial choice or switch. Our setup will estimate the probability of winning when the player switches their choice.

Let’s create one more file named monty_hall.exs and place the usual part of the code at the start.

At first, we will design the generator that defines Monty’s behavior. His selection depends on the player’s initial choice and the content of the doors:

monty_opens_gen = fn player_init_choice, doors ->
  monty_choices = Enum.reject([0, 1, 2], &(&1 == player_init_choice))
  [monty_first_choice, monty_second_choice] = monty_choices

  case {Enum.at(doors, monty_first_choice), Enum.at(doors, monty_second_choice)} do
    {:car, :goat} ->

    {:goat, :car} ->

    {:goat, :goat} ->
      |> MG.shuffled_list()
      |> MG.map(&Enum.at(&1, 0))

Then, we will implement a new function. It accepts three parameters: Monty’s selection, the content of the doors, and the player’s initial choice. It returns a generator that checks whether the player won the game or not:

did_player_win_gen = fn monty_opens_gen, doors, player_init_choice ->
    fn monty_opens ->
      [prayer_final_choice] =
          [0, 1, 2],
          &(&1 == player_init_choice || &1 == monty_opens)

      prayer_final_choice_gen = MG.always(prayer_final_choice)

        fn prayer_final_choice ->
          Enum.at(doors, prayer_final_choice) == :car

At last, we will combine the above-defined generators to design the simulation:

b_gen =
    MG.shuffled_list([:car, :goat, :goat]),
    fn doors ->
        fn player_init_choice ->
          |> monty_opens_gen.(doors)
          |> did_player_win_gen.(doors, player_init_choice)


If we add these blocks of code to the monty_hall.exs file and execute the script, we’ll see that when the player changes their initial decision, the probability of winning is about 0.6666666666666667.


To wrap up, our journey through deterministic randomness focused on generators. We saw how they turned the creation of random values into a reproducible process. From starting with simple random numbers to tackling complex simulations like the Monty Hall problem, we used generators to keep everything consistent.

If you are interested in solutions in programming and development, you can also read Error Handling in F# by Dimos. You can also contact us to help you with your product development.