
Khatia Tchitchinadze

Posted on 14th August 2024

Maintenance and support: What to expect after the project is finished.

news-paper News | Software Development |

Completing a software project is an important milestone, but it’s not the end of the journey. After launch, maintenance and support become important for ensuring your software continues to run well, stays secure, and meets changing business needs. Whether you’re a CEO, CTO, COO understanding what to expect from post-project support can help you plan well and maintain a successful partnership with your software agency.

1. Ongoing Bug Fixes and Updates

Why It’s Important:

No software is perfect from the start. Bugs and issues may arise after the initial launch, especially as more users start interacting with the system. An essential aspect of post-project support is addressing these bugs promptly to maintain the software’s functionality and user satisfaction.

What to Expect:

Your software agency should offer regular updates and patches to fix bugs and improve the system. For example, if a feature in your e-commerce platform isn’t working correctly, the agency should prioritize resolving the issue to prevent any negative impact on your business.

2. Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Why It’s Important:

Software performance can change due to various factors, such as increased user traffic or changes in infrastructure. Continuous performance monitoring helps identify and fix any slowdowns or bottlenecks, providing a good user experience.

What to Expect:

Agencies like Flexiana often provide monitoring services that track key performance indicators (KPIs) like response time, server load, and uptime. If your website experiences slow loading times during peak hours, the agency should work to optimize the system’s performance, possibly by scaling resources or optimizing code.

3. Security Updates and Patches

Why It’s Important:

Cybersecurity threats are always present and changing. Keeping your software secure is important to protecting important data and maintaining customer trust.

What to Expect:

Regular security audits and updates are a standard part of maintenance and support services. For example, if a vulnerability is discovered in your system, your software agency should quickly provide a patch to fix the issue. They may also offer recommendations for additional security measures, such as implementing two-factor authentication or encrypting data.

4. Feature Improvements and Scalability 

Why It’s Important:

As your business grows, your software needs may change. You might need new features, improvements to existing ones, or the ability to scale to accommodate more users or transactions.

What to Expect:

A good software agency will work with you to plan and make these changes. For example, if you’re a startup that suddenly experiences fast growth, you may need to improve your app’s infrastructure to manage increased traffic. The agency should give you a plan for scaling and adding new features, making sure that the software grows with your business needs.

5. Regular Communication and Reporting

Why It’s Important:

Clear communication ensures that you’re always aware of the status of your software and any ongoing maintenance work. It also provides an opportunity to discuss any new requirements or changes in your business strategy.

What to Expect:

Expect regular reports on the status of your software, including any issues that have been addressed, upcoming updates, and performance metrics. For example, Flexiana provides monthly reports to clients detailing recent maintenance activities, planned updates, and any recommendations for improvement. Regular meetings or calls can also help align the agency’s work with your business goals.

6. Training and Documentation

Why It’s Important:

As new features are added or updates are made, your team may need training to use the software effective. Proper documentation helps ensure that everyone understands how to use the system and troubleshoot basic issues.

What to Expect:

Your software agency should give you clear documentation and, if necessary, training sessions for your team. This could include user manuals, video tutorials, or live training sessions. For instance, if a new reporting feature is added to your software, the agency should provide instructions and training to help your team make full use of the feature.

Maintenance and support are key parts of a successful software project, ensuring that your system stays dependable, safe, and adaptable. Knowing what to expect from your software agency regarding ongoing support can help you prepare for the future and maintain a good partnership. Whether it’s regular updates, checking how well it works, or improving features, a proactive approach to maintaining it will help your software keep meeting your business needs.

A great software journey begins with the right partner. If you’re unsure where to start, visit pickagency.info for tips and advice.