How We Explored the World While Working Remotely - Flexiana

Khatia Tchitchinadze

Posted on 29th February 2024

How We Explored the World While Working Remotely

news-paper Inside Flexiana |

Remote work has changed our lives, opening doors to travel and new experiences as well. In this blog, we'll hear from our colleagues Paola and Mario about their adventures exploring the world while working remotely.

'' Hello, we are Paola and Mario and this is a summarized part of our history as nomads around almost the entire world or what would be called the famous “remote work”. Our journey began with a simple desire for freedom—to break free from the confines of traditional office spaces and explore the world on our own terms. Thanks to the flexibility offered by Flexiana, we were able to turn this dream into reality.


It all began in early 2022 when we'd been living together in Lima, Peru for nearly 2 years. Since March 2020, our relationship has seen many trips, including ones to Colombia. We'd also tried working remotely during these travels. However, due to pandemic-related restrictions like strict vaccine and testing requirements, traveling became challenging and stressful. Despite our previous remote work experiences, December 2022 marked a new phase for us.

One day, Mario suggested a trip to Europe to visit his family in Slovakia, and we jumped at the chance to explore other countries along the way. We started our journey in Uruguay and Argentina, where we stayed for almost 5 months as nomads. While in Argentina, we learned the importance of choosing Airbnbs with good Wi-Fi or finding coworking spaces. Our routine of working Monday to Friday and sightseeing on weekends has worked well for us, making our nomadic lifestyle both productive and exciting.

After that, we explored Brazil and Paraguay, where we enjoyed comfortable remote work setups in our Airbnbs. With good Wi-Fi, tasty food, a swimming pool, and sunny days, we felt right at home. Next, we briefly visited Chile for just 3 days, opting for some city sightseeing knowing that it was pricey for nomads. From there, we hopped over to Europe, journeying through Spain, Austria, Slovakia, the UK, and Romania. Our adventures continued as we ventured to Turkey, Greece, Palestine, Israel, and Jordan.


Continuing our journey, we explored Egypt and Morocco. It's important to highlight that nomadic life isn't always smooth sailing. Despite the perks of remote work, like the flexibility offered by companies like Flexiana, challenges do arise. Our toughest experience so far has been in Arab countries, where Wi-Fi and network connectivity were extremely poor. In Egypt, we faced daily power outages, often coinciding with important meetings. It was stressful, but we managed by using our cell phone data until our host provided a wireless Wi-Fi network. Only hotels with generators had power during these outages.

Reflecting on our travels, we've encountered challenges like poor Wi-Fi in some countries and noisy cities that make it hard to concentrate. That's why we've learned to seek out quiet areas with good Wi-Fi and plenty of light for optimal work conditions. Despite these challenges, our journey has been wonderful.

During our travels, we also visited Hungary and the United Arab Emirates for a few days. It made us realize that without remote work opportunities like those provided by Flexiana, exploring so many countries in such a short time would be nearly impossible. Traditional office hours would confine us, leaving little room for adventure.


Recently, we've been exploring the Philippines and Thailand, enjoying their beautiful islands, beaches, cuisine, and culture. These countries are popular among nomads like us, offering a perfect blend of work and leisure.

As we approach 14 months of travel, we're grateful for the ability to work remotely with just our laptops. Flexiana's understanding of our unique schedules and locations allows us to live life to the fullest while still being productive. It's a privilege we don't take for granted. And let's not forget how amazing it is to work with a laptop, enjoying a coffee or beer on the beach, in the mountains, or wherever we please. It truly enriches our nomadic lifestyle.